ALAN GARTNER’S Wiring forDCC:  www.wiringfordcc.com/switches.htm   

ALAN GARTNER’S Wiring for WALTHERS DCC Friendly: http://www.wiringfordcc.com/switches_walthers.htm 

SOUTHERN DIGITAL RR HOBBIES (double-slip):  www.sodigi.com/new_page_10.htm   



MRC PRODIGY ADVANCE MANUAL:  http://www.tonystrainexchange.com/download/mrc-advance-man.pdf   

MRC PRODIGY WIRELESS MANUAL: http://www.modelrectifier.com/resources/trainsound/0001410.pdf   

MRC PRODIGY WIRELESS ADDENDUM:  http://www.modelrec.com/resources/trainSound/Prodigy%20Wireless%20Instructions%20Addendum2.pdf   

MRC PRODIGY TIPS & TRICKS: http://www.modelrectifier.com/resources/trainsound/PRODIGY%20ADV%20TIPS%20AND%20TRICKS%20REV%2010-02-2009.pdf   


Both the power bus and the DCC signalling bus can be affected by “bounce-back” (echo) when a DCC signal reaches the end of the wire(s).  A similar problem can occur to a wired computer network.  Since DCC is roughly analagous to a computer network, signals sent out from the command station can be distorted by signals echoing back from the end of the wire toward the outgoing signal.  The longer the bus, the more likely that distortion will occur.   

Adding a “Snubber” across the ends of the wires can reduce the effect.  Slight variations for creating the snubber circuitry are available online and in publications such as Model Railroader (September, 2009, Page 71) magazine.  The most consistent from these sources reference an NCE recommendation for the following:  

Add a 0.1 mF, 50Volt capacitor (ceramic) in series with a 1/2 Watt (1 Watt would be better) resistor between 50 and 150 ohms   







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